Try my Zoom class for free

See if you like the format, with no obligation to continue.

My small friendly Zoom class meets from the comfort of our homes every Monday during term time, from 7-8pm. New members welcome, no experience needed!

Zoom yoga benefits

  • No need to travel

  • Join from the comfort of your home

  • Use your own music - your sounds won’t disturb the class

  • Interchangeable with real life classes - if you miss a class you can catch up on Zoom

  • I’m there, live, to welcome and guide you through every moment, just like the real life classes.

  • McZoom Yoga is cheaper than real life classes.

I love doing the classes on Zoom because I can relax in the comfort of my own home. Jane somehow manages to make it feel as if there isn’t a screen between us and that she is in the room with you.
— Annabelle Patel

How do I join a free taster class?

Simply prop up your tablet, phone, or computer so you can see the screen from your home yoga area.

Join the live class by using this button at 6.50pm on any Monday night during term time. We say our hellos until about 7pm, then I mute participants so they can follow the warm-up easily. Most people leave their cameras on, as it allows me to see how they’re getting on. We all unmute at the end for any questions and goodbyes.


Not sure?

Watch this recorded class if you’d like to see what it feels like joining in from home

I love the convenience. Just like being in a real class, but with a cup of tea instead of a water bottle!
— Gail Reid

What does it cost?

Your first zoom lesson is free without obligation.

If you would like to join regularly, my standard prices are here.

If this is more than you can afford please don’t let that stop you trying the free class, and speak to me for a reduced rate.